Wednesday, February 3, 2016

4. Fragments: yellow ochre


He stepped off the plane and onto the yellow earth. Yellow was the colour of the East. Yellow was the colour of dragons, who passed it down to emperors, their representatives on earth, who only wore gold. Now though it was the colour of an unnatural fog, heavy with industrial pollutants that mixed together and was added to year after year. A yellow ochre veil hung over the lowering sun, dragging it west down its long descent.

This could have been a cowboy story. Our hero is a young American in his early twenties. He comes from the Midwest, where the big country was wide and empty, and there was nothing in the way of riding hard and fast all the way to the horizon.  Our hero is adventurous: being a mixture of Irish and Jewish descent (with even some Arabic genes in the family tree). He loved languages and had spent time in France and a kibbutz; he had boundless hunger for the new. More than that he was possessed by a demon he didn’t know who could paint a door in a blank wall and make it open.

But our hero had stepped into the East, and so the story shatters into different possibilities; incandescent, all but one of them would burn out and disappear. China, newly re-emerging, was by far his most exotic adventure and he was drawn to its improbable transformation. But this big country was dense with not just people but history - a back story that had already carved tiny paths, walls and hidden valleys into every inch of ground; China’s newness was deceptive. And then everything is not as it seems with our hero, either. With his thick blond, almost red, beard and dressed, always, in a neat buttoned down shirt and pants, he seemed much older than his years. His eyes, which remained still and cool even when the rest of him was animated, were the only part of him that looked tired. 

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