Sunday, November 1, 2015

I don't eat, I don't sleep

I do nothing but think of you.

What's the difference between love and obsession?
And the difference between obsession and desire?
I don't know.

This is not clever, or bashful, or exuberant or playful. It doesn't hide too hard. It's just good writing:
The Nadir right at this moment, all lit up and steaming north, in the dark, at night, with a strong west wind pulling the moon backward through a skein of clouds-the Nadir a constellation, complexly aglow, angelically white, festive, imperial. Yes, this: it would look like a floating palace to any poor soul out here on the ocean at night, alone in a dinghy, or not even in a dinghy but simply and terribly floating, treading water, out of sight of land. - DFW
with sound punctuation.

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